Saturday, 17 December 2011

Santa wear your shorts

So things have been pretty normal here at Surfers Paradise. Had some visits from old friends. And busy planning for Cairns. At this point we've booked our tickets and are looking into what the Rainforest & Great Barrier Reef has to offer. So far sharks and jellyfish... that kill you. Fun. We had our last skype talk before meeting everyone in person. Turns out Jackie (Fay's mother) is a woman after my own heart, very nostalgic. She's bring a Christmas tree all the way from London England. Gotta hand it to her the lady has good taste ;)

Australia is by far the worst place to visit if your looking for a traditional North American Christmas, the music is way off track with tunes like ''Santa wear your shorts tonight'' and other songs that takes to disco mixes which we hear from our balcony every and I mean literally every single night. One night we thought we'd see this concert in person just to see why it was the same routine night after night. Much to our surprise, there's santa on stage in a fake boat with not rain-deer that aren't so much rain-deer but oh say more of Kangaroos with neo tape on their noses. And I'm guessing that their white because it makes them more mystical?

only santa knows these days. The singing is coming from two woman dressed as fairies... yes folks fairies. We've also noticed that the fireworks on the beach have become a nightly reoccurrence. It's nice to see, like a private show for us. Well folks two more nights and we'll be in Cairns. Celebrating Christmas, and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and for those of you out there that don't celebrate Christmas Happy Hoildays. Be safe, be thankful and be kind to each other.

All the best 
Lily & Fay. 

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